First and foremost, Molly Jane is an Oracle. There is a reason Molly’s sessions are in such high demand. She sees whatever she needs to see, while channeling with multi-dimensional beings - it is as complicated and as simple as that. Only a session with her would help you truly understand.
Molly currently lives in Los Angeles, California and is offering her Oracle to some of the world's most influential people. Helping them align, gain clarity, see their true north pathway, provide upgrades and be a clear channel for messages that they need to receive to help raise the consciousness of humanity.
Molly also hosts an online community platform called The Mothership. Hosting weekly discussions, channeled messages, energy healings/upgrades and meditations.Â
Molly Jane started her career in the social media marketing space working for one of Australia’s leading beauty brands, Bondi Sands. After stepping away Molly built two businesses in the tech and mindfulness space. One being Bloom, a sleep and meditation app, the other being a wellness video streaming platform called Wellweb.Â
Molly's knowledge in the mental health and wellness space, plus the ability to understand and connect with her audience made her a sought-after speaker, presenter, host, and MC, working events such as G’day USA, product launches, seminars, and speaking on several panels and numerous podcasts over the last few years.Â
Molly will continue to grow her community and share her voice in her most authentic way. Inspiring others to do the same.Â